

Git tip: how to fix an accidental commit on the wrong branch

Oh no, you just accidentally commited to master, when you were supposed to work on a feature branch! How to fix it? It’s actually pretty easy with Git! A common Git workflow nowadays is the “feature branch” workflow: you can’t push directly to the “main” branch (usually master, but it can be something else); instead you have to create a branch from master, commit to that branch, publish it and submit a pull request.

Cleanup Git history to remove unwanted files

I recently had to work with a Git repository whose modifications needed to be ported to another repo. Unfortunately, the repo had been created without a .gitignore file, so a lot of useless files (bin/obj/packages directories…) had been commited. This made the history hard to follow, because each commit had hundreds of modified files. Fortunately, it’s rather easy with Git to cleanup a branch, by recreating the same commits without the files that shouldn’t have been there in the first place.

C# methods in git diff hunk headers

If you use git on the command line, you may have noticed that diff hunks often show the method signature in the hunk header (the line that starts with @@), like this: diff --git a/Program.cs b/Program.cs index 655a213..5ae1016 100644 --- a/Program.cs +++ b/Program.cs @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ static void Main(string[] args) Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); + Console.WriteLine("blah"); } This is very useful to know where you are when looking at a diff.

Visual Studio Online + Git integration with Team Explorer

I recently started using Visual Studio Online for personal projects, and I must say it’s a pretty good platform, although it would be nice to be able to host public projects as well as private ones. The thing I like the most is the integration with Visual Studio Team Explorer to manage work items and builds. However, I noticed a little gotcha when using Git for source control : the remote for VS Online must be named origin, otherwise Team Explorer won’t detect that it’s a VS Online project, and it won’t show the “Builds” and “Work items” pages.